Though there are many ways to reduce stress, … Laughter Yoga is the quickest and you can feel the benefits from the very first session.
Business people are busy people and don’t have time to … exercise. There’s an easy way out: hearty laughter for 10 minutes gives you the same health benefits as running for 30 minutes (Stanford Research).
Your brain needs 25% more oxygen for optimal … performance. Laughter and breathing exercises increase the supply of oxygen to the brain. Laughter can change your mood within minutes by releasing endorphins from your brain cells and if your mood is good, you can do everything well.
People who laugh together work together.’ Laughter Yoga… is a powerful tool that connects. people with each other. It helps to develop a positive mental attitude, enhances communication skills for team building
In this highly competitive market, companies with new ideas… and concepts will stay ahead. Laughter Yoga is a great tool for innovation and creativity as it stimulates the right brain which is the seat of creativity.
Though there are many ways to reduce stress, Laughter Yoga is the quickest and you can feel the benefits from the very … first session.
Business people are busy people and don’t have time to exercise. There’s an easy way out: hearty laughter for … 10 minutes gives you the same health benefits as running for 30 minutes (Stanford Research).
Your brain needs 25% more oxygen for optimal performance. Laughter and breathing exercises increase …the supply of oxygen to the brain. Laughter can change your mood within minutes by releasing endorphins from your brain cells and if your mood is good, you can do everything well.
People who laugh together work together.’ Laughter Yoga is a powerful tool that connects. people with… each other. It helps to develop a positive mental attitude, enhances communication skills for team building
In this highly competitive market, companies with new ideas and concepts will stay ahead. Laughter Yoga is a …great tool for innovation and creativity as it stimulates the right brain which is the seat of creativity.
Science says, that when we laugh, Endorphins, the happy hormones get released in our body and lift up our mood
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